San Diego Comic-Con Intellitix case study

San Diego Comic-Con wins the battle against counterfeit badges

Successfully reducing the amount of counterfit badges to zero was a big win for Comic-Con considering the 130,000+ attendees at the 4-day fan convention in San Diego.

The Story

Overcrowding from ticket fraud forced Comic-Con to find a solution to improve the guest experience.

Due to the high demand of the event, previous editions of the SDCC experienced large numbers of unauthorized entry from the use of counterfeit badges and guest passbacks. These unauthorized entries also lead to the overcrowding of the convention and exhibit hall.

Their Challenges

  • Reduce the amount of counterfeit tickets and passbacks
  • Heighten security around the credential validation process
  • Improve the guest experience by managing overcrowding

Intellitix Access Control and RFID-embedded badges were all Comic-Con needed to exceed their expectations of improving the guest experience.

To help the SDCC achieve their goals of reducing counterfeit tickets and having a more secure event, RFID-embedded badges were implemented. Working in tandem with the Intellitix Access Control portals at the entrances of the conference hall, all zones were fully secured, having patrons scan badges on both entrance and exit of the event.

The Result

The Intellitix platform provided greater flexibility for the San Diego Comic-Con organizers to manage and validate a complex grid of credential access types without the need for predefined badges.

  • Successfully reduced all counterfeit badges and passbacks by 100%
  • Improved guest experience by managing the 130,000+ fans inside the venue
  • Delivered organizers key insights into traffic flow patterns and capacity counts

Products Used

Access Control