Lead retrieval is the stuff of events, networking and making connections are what make the world go ‘round, but you can’t do that if you don’t grab that prospective lead’s contact information, much of which happens at conferences by lead retrieval.
This form of info gathering is a major focus for event marketers and exhibitors. In fact, a study by Marketing Charts found that 68 percent of B2B marketers believe that events are the most valuable source to gain quality leads, yet only 20 percent of exhibitors follow up with sales leads. This could be for a myriad of reasons, such as following up containing too many obstacles, unsuspected roadblocks or just general forgetfulness. A possible way to cut out the extra steps and ensure a smoother road to following up on leads is by embracing mobile lead retrieval applications.
With the use of a QR and RFID technology, attendees and exhibitors are just a scan away from making that next connection.
Key Benefits
Most attendees and exhibitors are likely to have a smartphone handy anyway, so why not leverage that and increase the event’s ROI? There are many benefits to be gained when event attendees and exhibitors use mobile lead retrieval apps during the event, such as quicker lead retrieval, access to real-time data and quicker exporting of information.
Many lead retrieval apps can sync all data onto all connected devices, so all who are involved have access to that data for seamless communication between colleagues. This saves a lot of time, as individuals from the same exhibit won’t waste time attempting to grab the same lead if they’re able to see on the app that that lead’s information has already been gathered.
Mobile event applications seem to be increasing in popularity as well, as 40 percent of event app developers have an average adoption rate of more than 80 percent. There are many inarguable benefits to have a mobile lead retrieval app at your conference or meeting. And all of this works to drive the chances of both attendees and exhibitors leaving the event with a multitude of connections. Mobile lead retrieval offers a more seamless process of obtaining information on potential leads, thus increasing the likeliness of following up.
Case Studies
Forte is an annual MBA Women’s Leadership Conference that aims to connect prospective MBA students with other MBA women, Fortune 100, 500, international companies and more than 50 business schools. They began using a mobile lead retrieval app in 2014 where they saw more 5,000 visits and 43,000 page views for an event that only had 485 attendees. Over the years they witnessed rapid growth. In 2017, the app had more than 17,000 visits and almost 215,000 page views; and their attendance had grown to 849.
When asked about the user-friendliness of the app, 84 percent of attendees rated the app as easy to use and able to provide the information necessary. Attendees used the app for two primary reasons: 57 percent used the app to learn more about other attendees; 70 percent used it to learn more about the event’s sponsors.

MAISON&OBJET, an event for professionals who specialize in the world of decor, design, furniture, accessories, textiles and more, is another event that saw exponential growth after the adoption of a mobile event application. In fact, they found their engagement increase by 350 percent in two years, since they began using a mobile event app in 2014.
Exhibitors, who attend the event to showcase their collections of various decor, can be located at the event through the app, where attendees can find more information before approaching their potential seller. And when they do approach an exhibitor’s booth, attendees can scan the exhibit’s QR code to receive yet more info and contact details. Hurdles eliminated. Since the app’s conception, MAISON&OBJET saw an increase in its usage; their bi-annual Paris event went from 10 uses per user in 2014 to 45 uses per user in 2016.
Event lead retrieval apps are going anywhere anytime soon. A recent survey by EventMB confirmed this when 91 percent of event planners remarked that event apps are still relevant. Mobile lead retrieval isn’t the future, it’s right now. With all its many benefits, implementing its use at your next event is highly encouraged.