Serge Grimaux, Head Pilot of Intellitix, states: “We are incredibly honored to be working with CIVB, BGE, the greatest Grand cru and reputable wine producers of the world, integrating our innovative technology into Europe’s largest wine festival. Our event solutions will enable the organizers of Bordeaux Wine Festival to maximize the event’s full potential and customer reach by streamlining event operations and delivering valuable audience data and insight. This is only the beginning of a very rich journey.

Never before will wine producers and wine lovers have such a fruitful relationship. Millions of stories and legends exist because of great Bordeaux wines. Being among those who will take this prestigious event to the next level is one of the highlights of our accomplishments to date. In vino veritas!” Richard Coconnier, General Delegate of Bordeaux Grands Événements, comments: “Having decided to abandon a paper pass, the Bordeaux Wine Festival decided to rely on an innovative technological solution already used for several over major international events. This makes it possible to monitor access and payment with an RFID card. This digital pass, a major innovation in 2016, is part of a major effort to limit the size and number of printed documents both during and after the festival.

Bordeaux Fete Le Vin

Communication is now being done increasingly via the website (where the full program can be downloaded) and social networks rather than in print versions.” Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Bordeaux Wine Festival offers visitors a rich cultural experience with street art and artistic dance performances, orchestra concerts, competitive barrel rolling, local chef competitions, and guided tours of the legendary three-master sailing ship, The Belem. Bordeaux Wine Festival will also include a 20-minute evening light show projecting onto the facade of the Palais de la Bourse, transporting audiences into the universe of vines and wine, with a spectacular fireworks display to round off their Bordeaux experience every night.

About Intellitix:

Intellitix is the leading global provider of technology-driven solutions for festivals and live events. Our RFID Access Control, Experiential and Cashless Payment solutions enhance the guest experience, increase revenues and decrease costs for event organizers. Since 2011, the Intellitix technology platform has enhanced over 17.5 million guest experiences at live events in 18 countries around the world including Coachella, Tomorrowland, Electrobeach, Garorock, San Diego Comic-Con, Taste Festivals, The Ryder Cup, and many more.

About Le Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux:

Founded in 1948, Le Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB or ‘The Bordeaux Wine Council’) represents 7,000 winegrowers, 300 wine trade firms, and 95 wine brokers. CIVB is heavily involved in highlighting the city of Bordeaux through events including: Bordeaux Fête le Vin (Bordeaux Wine Festival), Bordeaux Fête le Fleuve, Bordeaux So Good, and other international wine festivals. Each edition of these events brings together thousands of visitors, wines lovers and new consumers.

About Bordeaux Grands Événements:

Bordeaux Grands Événements was created to manage the festive and spectacular Bordeaux Wine Festival and the Bordeaux River Festival that take place alternately every two years on the Bordeaux riverfront, contributing to the city’s transformation and the recovery of the Garonne. Initiated by the City of Bordeaux, both of the large festivals serve to unite numerous partners from the wine industry and the economic world, but also from sports and cultural associations. For over 20 years, Bordeaux Grands Événements is proud to have expanded internationally with events developed in Hong Kong, Brussels and Quebec (Bordeaux Wine Festival), and is associated with la Solitaire du Figaro, a huge aquatic tournament (Bordeaux River Festival). Since 2014, Bordeaux Grands Événements have expanded their efforts to include a new gastronomic event: Bordeaux SO Good.