Events are vital to any brand’s marketing activities. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or looking to generate new customers, you know you have to have to be out there. Brands that deploy on-site have two things in mind: building their fan base and capturing consumer data. Nowadays to do so means creating diverse and engaging on-site activations that go far beyond the norm.

That’s where RFID technology comes in.

RFID, or radio frequency identification, is a secure electronic chip that can be embedded into a wristband, card, or lanyard. For years now, this event technology has been widely used at live events for Experiential deployments but it offers a huge variety of opportunities to engage your guests. From instant wins and surveys that come with free gifts, brands have countless ways to make attendees want to engage.

But to create a buzz at events, you’ll need more than a fancy RFID deployment. You need a plan. Here are some tips that will help you get started for your next on-site deployment.

On-Site Activations Need Energetic Brand Ambassadors

Who you choose to have on the front lines will impact the success of your activation. They are the first face attendees will see and associate with your brand. They need to be energetic, smiling, and represent the look and feel of your brand. Most importantly, they need to be positive. Brand ambassadors may receive 10 no’s before they get one yes, so it’s imperative to have people who aren’t easily discouraged.

Develop a training manual that explains exactly how you want ambassadors to act on the ground. Provide them with a small script, details on how they should interact with attendees, and ways that they can convert a no into a yes. The more you prepare your team, the better results you’ll receive.

Essential: 12 Brand Activation Ideas That Will Light Up Your Next Event

Provide Incentive-Based Goals for Ambassadors

Let’s say your brand’s goal is to have 15% of all attendees fill out a survey or enter your instant win contest. How can you ensure you hit your target? To start, you need to get your ambassadors on board with your goals. Make sure they know the targets you’re trying to achieve and keep them updated on the success of the deployment.

To get ambassadors to go the extra mile at your activation, consider offering a prize if that goal is reached. There are a number of ways you can structure your team giveaway, and that’ll depend on the size of your squad. If your brand only has a few individuals on-site, consider offering cash or gifts to the whole team. For bigger teams, I suggest putting everyone’s name into a draw for a trip or large prize. That way, your ambassadors will work cohesively and try to rally together to reach their goal. Offering prizes to the “top seller” could discourage individuals who are falling behind.

Just remember, event attendees aren’t the only ones who want free swag or a chance to win something big. So show your ambassadors how important they really are to your brand and watch the data come sailing in.

Encourage “Out of the Box” Thinking

Is your activation located in a low-traffic area? Is a certain age group not receptive to your brand? Maybe you need to switch up your tactics. Sure, it’s great to have a plan and provide guidelines for your ambassadors, but if things aren’t going exactly how you want them to then it might be time to shake things up.

Are your ambassadors allowed to walk around on-site and encourage guests to visit your station? Can they carry your free swag or incentive item around site to promote the activation in more active areas? Maybe there’s a lull in the event program – think of this as an opportunity to think outside the box and grab attendees’ attention. Of course, you’ll need to ensure ambassadors are being mindful of people’s boundaries and aren’t being too pushy, but sometimes being a brand ambassador means stepping outside the comfort zone.

Put Fans in the Spotlight

We’d all like to think that live event attendees go through activations to engage with the brand. While that’s partly true, their interest is initially captured through the free swag – so make your winners the superstars of your activation. Consider adding a TV on-site to roll through photos of smiling faces receiving their prizes. You can also use social media to build brand exposure beyond the event.

Don’t Forget the Signage

This is a critical part of your deployment that make or break your success. Do people really know what your brand activation is all about? Sure, you’ve got brand ambassadors there to explain the details, but having the right on-site signage can attract attendees to your activation all on their own.

Add banners above your booth that scream “Come win a sweet prize!” or smaller signage near the bathrooms or food area. Even t-shirts for your brand ambassadors that say “Ask me how you can win an awesome prize” can spark up a conversation that otherwise wouldn’t happen. These details can have a big impact on your overall success so make sure you sweat the small stuff and plan ahead!

Make the Most of Social Media

Let’s get back to social media for a minute. What are you doing to amplify your brand voice online? By implementing a social strategy your brand can get in front of a significantly larger audience. Create a hashtag that’s specific to the event and encourage your audience to share it with their network. You could also run a giveaway for those who aren’t able to make it to the event. Don’t forget to tag the event’s social channels in your posts to capitalize on their audience as well.

Your brand is investing a lot of cash for their activation. Preparing for the day by implementing the above strategies will ensure you reach your goals and engage your audience. We want you to succeed with your marketing objectives, that’s why we offer the best RFID solutions for on-site activations in the industry.