Telluride Film Festival, we thought it was just too good not to share. Muffy says, “Allow me to speak to my experience with Intellitix: While on a mission to bring bar codes to our venue management for our international film festival, our badge contractors recommended looking at RFID technology, too. Intellitix was that recommendation. As I saw how the physical presence of a bar code would change the face of our passes, coupled with the thought of a device shooting a beam at each passholder, my interest tipped heavily on the Intellitix/RFID side. The chip technology became important to me and the perception that might impact the Festival experience for our passholders. We have a challenging situation of multiple venues operating simultaneously – a challenge for all of the systems in operation, but one that Intellitix did not shy away from. The team I worked with of Cam and Alex along with Cindy, offered their recommendations on how it could work for us and then set about to launch us into this new technology. I am particularly fond of Alex. He is the right mix of tech expert; patient, yet effective trainer & efficient problem solver; always pleasant – never showing frustration/exhaustion; always on his game. Alex anticipated situations that only a seasoned staffer would know; he responded immediately to every distress call & resolved every situation; he is a quick study of the situation and the personalities in play and responds with the right approach for every situation. He was the face of Intellitix for me. We had not met prior, we had a few phone conversations and an abundance of email exchanges, but it wasn’t until I met him on site that I knew we had made the right choice. He faced many apprehensive theatre managers – after all, they had previously only hand punched passes – a system that only failed because of a hand cramp, or a dull puncher. He made quick work of engaging their trust in the system, and winning them over with what I called “the happy sound” as he made each device sing with the sounds of captured chips. Our venues range from 650 seats to 50. The larger venues need an effective, smooth process to load quickly and Alex led the way to demonstrate how to make that happen. We collaborated with identifying the more popular shows that would draw the crowds, he would appear on site with additional devices and jumped in as part of the team checking our passholders in. Alex anticipated every need before we did. We look forward to moving forward to tying Intellitix into our app technologies, and further improving our Intellitix RFID experience at our venues. I think we had a tremendous first year, especially given that it was a year that on our end added a new venue and an extra day of events for a celebration year – it was our busiest and a great way to test a system. I had faith in Intellitix early on which changed to full confidence after meeting and seeing Alex hit the ground running – the system & people demonstrated why it was the right system for us.”]]>