Cashless payment system provides fast, efficient and secure on-site purchases with 100% uptime.

TomorrowWorld RFID Wristbands

Explore the cashless journey in the photoset below.

Prior to the festival, Tomorrowland sends a beautifully crafted musical box equipped with a leather RFID-enabled Tomorrowland bracelet and and instruction guide on how to register for a cashless account. Guests can pre-load “Pearls”, the event’s digital currency by registering their bracelet online and topping-up in advance. At the festival, guests can also visit a physical Top-up Station to add more Pearls.

Cashless TomorrowWorld

At the physical Top-up Station, Tomorrowland staff members help guests load more Pearls into their cashless accounts. The guest simply taps their bracelet on the RFID reader, provides payment (cash, credit card, debit card), then taps their bracelet a second time to confirm their top-up transaction.


Now that the guest has topped-up their bracelet, they can make on-site purchases for food, drinks, merchandise, and more with a quick double-tap of their RFID bracelets. The first tap opens the transaction, then their order is placed with the staff member, and a second tap confirms and closes the transaction. The Pearls are deducted from the guest’s account balance. Transactions are incredibly fast, significantly reducing queues and enabling guests to spend more time enjoying the melodic festivities! Any leftover unspent Pearls can be refunded back to the guest subject to Tomorrowland’s Refund Policy, so guests don’t need to worry about how much to top-up their accounts. All transactions are also digitally recorded with email notifications of each transaction sent to registered guests.]]>