
MASTERCLASS: The Immense Value of Advocacy Explained by the StreetTeam Co-Founder

One thing that should never be forgotten in the event industry is that festivals are social gatherings for groups of people. Your event isn’t 50,000 individuals, it’s more like 5,000 groups of 10, with tight-knit circles making the commitment to drop big money and make the commitment to your production. Millennials are particularly social—both in […]

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Masterclass: DPA’s Stefanie Jones on Effective Festival Harm Reduction

When it comes to raising awareness about the broad conversation around festival harm reduction and drug safety, few people are as well versed as the Drug Policy Alliance’s (DPA) director of audience development Stefanie Jones. Known for bringing the frank and pragmatic perspectives of Europe to the North American festival scene, Stefanie has been a

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Masterclass: Unified Command’s Chad Ladov on Improving Your Live Event Surveillance

Event surveillance should be near the top of every organizers priority list, and having that ubiquitous perspective is essential for managing any mass gathering nowadays. It’s a tragic reality that grave threats to the safety of your patrons have to be considered from the moment you start planning an event. Event security today is a multi-team

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Masterclass: Dragon Con's Cherie Wren on Honing Your Event's Disability Access

For those living without a disability, the hugely important and complex task of making a major event disability-friendly might go unnoticed. It can be very easy to take accessibility for granted and to remain oblivious to the often subtle difficulties that make many events a challenge for those with disabilities. Cherie Wren is the head

Masterclass: Dragon Con's Cherie Wren on Honing Your Event's Disability Access Read More »

Masterclass: How to Get the Most Out of the Festival/Brand Relationship with Experiential Specialist Michael Ilves

There was a time when the idea of corporate sponsorship for a concert or festival would have seemed absolutely horrifying. Back when rock ‘n’ roll was still counterculture, people actually bought music, and flower crowns weren’t retro, there was no such thing as brand presence at concerts. Michael Jackson’s Bad tour in 1983 completely changed

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Marketing Guru Leon Hill on How to Immediately Step Up Your Social Game

Masterclass: Festival Marketing Guru Leon Hill on How to Immediately Step Up Your Social Game

We Know Festivals. The Reykjavik-based Aussie founded one of the first social media marketing companies in the world back in 2007, and since then has worked with entertainment agencies like Warner Music, Paramount Pictures, and EMI, and now in the festival sphere with Secret Solstice, Lost Paradise, The Ark, Ostend Beach, Rampage, and many others.

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MASTERCLASS: Decibel Founder Sean Horton on How to Throw an Inner City Festival

Running a festival in a city is an entirely different beast than taking over a field in a rural area. The number of potential obstacles—ranging from angry neighbors to unresponsive mayors—can seem on the surface to be unreasonable and impossible to surmount. But the civic landscape can offer incredible diversity and potential if you have

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Masterclass: Lost Paradise’s Simon Beckingham On Selling Experiences and Why VIP is Dead

The idea of the VIP has become a contentious one in recent years. Driven by a souring attitude towards wealth and exclusivity, and supported by more unscrupulous promoters packaging “IP” as “VIP,” the term doesn’t mean what it used to at a festival. At many events, VIP merely means being in a slightly less crowded

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