Guest Experience

4 Ways RFID Can Help Horse Racing Modernize and Make More Money

Every live event vertical is developing and adapting to the changing digital landscape. Music festivals have been converting en masse to RFID systems, heralding in the cashless era and fostering a more symbiotic relationship between the customer and the event via rich data. Sports events have also been empowered by this technology, giving them greater […]

4 Ways RFID Can Help Horse Racing Modernize and Make More Money Read More »


Scientists Have a Solution to Improve Event Line Lengths

Belgian scientists Kurt Van Hautegem and Wouter Rogiest of Ghent University have discovered that the answer to improve event line lengths for bathrooms can be solved by redesigning the space in order to make them gender neutral. The scientists found that the average length of time females waited to use the facilities at festivals was

Scientists Have a Solution to Improve Event Line Lengths Read More »

5 Things Every Festival Could Learn From EDC Las Vegas

Anyone that has ever come through the tunnel and onto the Las Vegas Speedway during Electric Daisy Carnival will attest, there’s no festival in the world that can match it for decadence. With twelve stages, eighteen fairground rides, and about 450,000 people, it’s one of the world’s biggest dance music festivals and celebrated its 21st

5 Things Every Festival Could Learn From EDC Las Vegas Read More »

Fiesta de la Primavera

Ibiza's Fiesta de la Primavera Deploys Intellitix's Access Control and Cashless Systems

Fiesta de la Primavera is a celebration of spring that includes more than 15 live music performances, gastronomic workshops, art exhibitions, holistic workshops, food and beverage stands, performances, and activities for the kids. Intellitix will be on site deploying our Access Control and Cashless systems. This game-changing technology helps event organizers reduce costs, increase revenues, and enhance the guest

Ibiza's Fiesta de la Primavera Deploys Intellitix's Access Control and Cashless Systems Read More »

Life on the Road: The Festival Guy™ Shares the Secrets He’s Learned from Attending 112 Festivals

FestEVO and publishing The Festival Thrower’s Bible. Tucker’s become a staple on the US festival scene and his energy his infectious when you meet him on site. Given the scope of his experience, we decided to reach out and get his perspective on the simple things festival promoters can do to really elevate the experience of

Life on the Road: The Festival Guy™ Shares the Secrets He’s Learned from Attending 112 Festivals Read More »

EPS Panel

Event Production Show Panel – "RFID & Cashless – Should we embrace it?"

On the benefits RFID brings to the industry, Serge explains: I think that people are yet to fully understand the extent of the advantages available from RFID technology, which is surprising because once you experience it first-hand, there is no going back. I explain to clients that we are ‘extremely infectious and there is no

Event Production Show Panel – "RFID & Cashless – Should we embrace it?" Read More »